Show Return confirmation Code

This page provides details how to get the confirmation code and a list of the not delivered deliveries for an active route.

The confirmation code (return_code) will be achievable only when a currier is on the way to the return point.

The list of the deliveries will contain all the deliveries that should be returned by the courier.


GET /deliveries/not_delivered/courier/phone/:courier_phone


OAuth 2.0 bearer token with Delivery scope.

Query Paramaters

business_idstringUnique identifier representing a Business.

Path Parameters

courier_phonestringPhone number of the courier.
The phone number can be achieved by:
1. Delivery Webhooks Events
2. Show Bundle
3. Show Delivery

Possible formats:

Response body

    "return_code": "0595",
    "deliveries": [
            "id": "DR-3a6498af1144417d8aca2ae918257c4b",
            "bundle_id": "B-efcfc8edaad0403ba707a501cee6f647",
            "product_id": "86c31386-f596-48ff-9458-c70634414c9b",
            "display_identifier": "M87483H8F889",
            "status": "not_delivered",
            "status_code": 90,
            "cannot_deliver_info": {
                "description": "cannot reach client",
                "reason_id": 1,
                "reason_type": "cannot_reach_client"
            "courier": {
                "name": "John",
                "phone": "012-1234567",
                "picture_url": ""
            "pickup": {
                "lat": 32.193452,
                "lng": 34.8840545,
                "address": "Habarzel 1 Tel Aviv",
                "note": "floor 1, door 4"
            "drop_off": {
                "lat": 32.1099275,
                "lng": 34.8381351,
                "address": "Herzel 4 Tel Aviv",
                "note": "leave the package near the door"
            "return_drop_off": {
                "lat": 32.193452,
                "lng": 34.8840545,
                "address": "Habarzel 1 Tel Aviv",
                "note": "floor 1, door 4"
            "pickup_contact": {
                "name": "Mark",
                "phone_number": "0123456789"
            "drop_off_contact": {
                "name": "Michael",
                "phone_number": "0127654321"
            "return_contact": {
                "name": "Mark",
                "phone_number": "04564256"
            "verifications": null,
            "started_at": "2020-09-24T08:40:24.661397Z",
            "scheduled_at": "2020-09-24T08:40:10.160253Z",
            "arrived_at": "2020-09-24T08:40:58.733916Z",
            "picked_up_at": "2020-09-24T08:41:01.922544Z",
            "ended_at": "2020-09-24T08:41:28.395444Z",
            "deliver_from": null,
            "deliver_until": null,
            "parcels": [
                    "display_identifier": "M87483H8F889_1",
                    "barcode": "1Dr33gghj",
                    "barcodes": [
                    "size_alias": "",
                    "length": 0,
                    "width": 0,
                    "height": 0,
                    "weight": 0,
                    "items": [
                            "external_id": "",
                            "name": "M87483H8F889_1",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "price": 0,
                            "vat_rate": 0,
                            "exemplars": null,
                            "status": "not_delivered",
                            "cannot_deliver_info": null
                    "status": "not_delivered",
                    "cannot_deliver_info": null
            "client_price": null,
            "delivery_price": null,
            "vendor": {
                "name": "MJ"
            "route_identifier": "test-1",
            "external_identifier": null,
            "journey_id": 986,
            "created_at": "2020-09-24T08:40:10.993016Z",
            "age_verification_required": false,
            "order_id_representation": "BD2983793104NY",
            "order_from": "DeliveryApi-d5f0c8a2adb0d9f8df6e4c8735bfdf9f62ac07c99719554bba5430cdd706ab6d"



GET v1/delivery_sandbox/deliveries/not_delivered/courier/phone/:courier_phone
More info can be found here

Input options:

  1. For simulating a response with deliveries array but without confirmation code, what means that the courier is still in the route and didn't started already his way to return the parcels back, courier_phone parameter should be equals '0502222222'.
  2. For simulating this request with deliveries array and confirmation code, what means that the courier is already on the way to the return point, or already arrived, courier_phone parameter should be equals '0501111111'.
  3. If you use any other input in courier_phone parameter, you will get an empty response.