Show delivery


GET /v1/delivery/deliveries/:uuid


OAuth 2.0 bearer token with Delivery scope.

Query Paramaters

business_idstringUnique identifier representing a Business.

Path Parameters

uuidstringDelivery id received when creating a new delivery

Response body

  "id": "DR-6c2799757e42afb0b67a5c4bfa0f3f",
  "uuid": "DR-6c2799757e42afb0b67a5c4bfa0f3f",
  "bundle_id": "B-3153c7edab234dbda2bd66051875549",
  "product_id": "4d403791-faaa-43b6-bef0-95693e4848d",
  "display_identifier": "W75f-555",
  "status": "completed",
  "status_code": 70,
  "cannot_deliver_info": null,
  "courier": {
    "color": "Red",
    "license_plate": "1232-76-76",
    "model": "Skoda",
    "name": "John Lenon",
    "phone": "012-4567898",
    "picture_url": ""
  "pickup": {
    "lat": 32.108544,
    "lng": 34.838642,
    "address": "Habarzel 15 Tel Aviv",
    "note": "Near the white door"
  "drop_off": {
    "lat": 32.086130,
    "lng": 34.774710,
    "address": "Dizengoff 67 Tel aviv",
    "note": "Floor 6, Door 3"
  "return_drop_off": {
    "lat": 32.108544,
    "lng": 34.838642,
    "address": "Habarzel 15 Tel Aviv",
    "note": "Near the white door"
  "pickup_contact": {
    "name": "Omer",
    "phone_number": "032-4563344"
  "drop_off_contact": {
    "name": "Joel Doe",
    "phone_number": "972519876544"
  "return_contact": {
    "name": "Omer",
    "phone_number": "032-4563344"
  "verifications": [
      "type": "recipient",
      "proved_at": "2021-03-18T13:07:07.30883Z",
      "proof": {
        "recipient_category": "other",
        "recipient_name": "Michael",
        "verified_by": "32263"
  "started_at": "2021-03-18T12:53:24.160026Z",
  "scheduled_at": "2021-03-18T11:00:00Z",
  "arrived_at": "2021-03-18T13:00:56.93175Z",
  "picked_up_at": "2021-03-18T13:00:56.93175Z",
  "ended_at": "2021-03-18T13:07:07.355859Z",
  "deliver_from": null,
  "deliver_until": null,
  "parcels": [
      "display_identifier": "110929",
      "barcode": "110929",
      "barcodes": [
      "size_alias": "",
      "length": 0,
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "weight": 0,
      "items": [
          "external_id": "",
          "name": "110929",
          "quantity": 1,
          "price": 0,
          "vat_rate": 0,
          "exemplars": null,
          "status": "completed",
          "cannot_deliver_info": null
      "status": "completed",
      "cannot_deliver_info": null
  "client_price": null,
  "delivery_price": null,
  "vendor": {
    "name": "NBA"
  "route_identifier": "Route 1",
  "journey_id": 1870925,
  "created_at": "2021-03-18T12:53:24.087038Z",
  "age_verification_required": false,
  "order_id_representation": "JC317822093ME",
  "order_from": "",
  "external_payment_confirmation": false,
  "processing_has_started": false,
  "return_delivery_uuid": null


route_identifier - Represents the unique identifier of the route to which this delivery was related by the optimization process. Will have value only after the end of the optimization process.

  • If bundle.display_identifier was included in the creation request this field value will be bundle.display_identifier appended by running sequence. For example: bundle.display_identifier: "MyCompany_20190224" => route_identifier: "MyCompany_20190224-1"
  • If bundle.display_identifier wasn't included in the creation request this field value will be gett appended by running sequnce.

verifications - Will be an array of parcel acceptance info, such as recipient (name / location).
this will only be shown for deliveries which were completed successfully.

cannot_deliver_info - The data can appear only when the delivery/parcel status is cancelled or not_delivered

order_id_representation : This is a friendly ID get used for finding orders / deliveries in the web interface

Parcels status could be one of these options: "initial", "completed", "not_delivered", "cancelled"



GET /v1/delivery_sandbox/deliveries/:uuid?business_id={{company_id}}

More info can be found here

Note: If uuid parameter equals '1', a fake delivery payload will be returned