
To work with "Gett business" API, you will need to have a relationship with Gett as a Customer or integrator on behalf of the customer(s).

Business API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Business API supports Client Password authentication method.

Once the relationship is approved by Gett, you will be able to issue OAuth 2.0 credentials (Client ID, Client Secret) to authenticate with Gett. This data will be known by your client application and Business API server. The credentials are required to receive and refresh the authentication token.

To issue Client ID, Client Secret and get Business_id you need to visit Settings - Integrations setup in web portal with admin role. Ensure you're set as Contact in Settings.

Client_idThe ID corresponds to the Business API client.
Client_secretSecret code required to get access token
ScopePermissions granted for the token to get access to endpoints.
Business_idUUID corresponds to the company.

Authorization request

Your client application should use your client credentials to request an access token from the Business API auth endpoint. Other endpoints require an access token to get or manipulate data.

Authorization request params:

client_idClient_id issued in Settings - Integrations setup
client_secretClient_secret issued in Settings - Integrations setup
scope- Values from scopes table.
- Can have multiple values delimited by space symbol.
- See the example below.


Scope valueEndpoints
order Company settings
Create order
Order details
Update Order
Cancel order
company.reference Add reference code
finance Order receipt

Authorization request example


curl -s '' \
-F 'grant_type=client_credentials' /
-F 'client_id=92e0b95a-8690-4c26-b45b-5465af3a1bd7.13d08230-15ba-4016-9b6f-a4f495f80fe1' \
-F 'client_secret=my_secret_from_gett' \
-F 'scope=company.reference order'

Authorize response

  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InByaW1hcnkta2V5IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJhdWQiOltdLCJleHAiOjE2MTI3NzQ3ODUsImlhdCI6MTYxMjc3Mzg4NSwiaWRlbnRpZmllciI6ImUxZDVhNDgwLWZlYzEtNDk1ZS1hOWNkLTkzZTZhY2Q4MWM4OCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZ2xvYmFsLWF1dGguZ2V0dC5jb20iLCJqdGkiOiJiZTI2NWIyZC0zZTA2LTQ1Y2EtODE5Ni1jNzliMjg5OGYzNjEiLCJuYmYiOjE2MTI3NzM4ODUsInJlc291cmNlX3V1aWQiOiI5MmUwYjk1YS04NjkwLTRjMjYtYjQ1Yi01NDY1YWYzYTFiZDciLCJzY3AiOlsiY29tcGFueS5yZWZlcmVuY2UiLCJvcmRlciJdLCJzdWIiOiI5MmUwYjk1YS04NjkwLTRjMjYtYjQ1Yi01NDY1YWYzYTFiZDcuMTNkMDgyMzAtMTViYS00MDE2LTliNmYtYTRmNDk1ZjgwZmUxIn0.n-ECwfFkVZJJILip3xXf8rEHxAH-0Q42iFfwTeeiiqlwv5Xt5Etq34--EoM43Oxa3xyVQfDQTXwX3-vQQ_ojNcR0hTL1iK34AwHgbCzx-THf02oQydxTrN9oZo9dqp0XjvPbsUF_db3S3HUjIJhqhJwg_1Ll8VSMGJcBVM7hqrzfeqFlq0N6M3VCBAr_jH73Nxd_1jv-VxRRFmLHan6qYOjxpXVswLxfKzGyBL__JbJ82IzycnDKCus5v3BbJuS-rMml13R-VYt8EzCdFD9JYjmpuyUQHxL7fl5MX5Ok_VbH9NZHOw0hCkCwwAjAfR2F2Wc2t1Mh5002RRGzE8d3KQ",
  "expires_in": 899,
  "scope": "company.reference order",
  "token_type": "bearer"