Price estimation
Gett business API requires you to obtain price estimation and quote_id before requesting the order.
the response will include:
- Price value - based on the specified route coordinates and time
- Quote id - unique id for your estimation
- Currency symbol
- Tax property - if the price include/ exclude tax
The quote id secures your estimation for 2 min and you will have to add it to the order request, in some cases, the quote invalidates.
quote invalidation:
- The order requested after the 2 min expired
- The order was created with different time
- The order was created with different coordinates
- The order was amended/edited and time or coordinates was changed
An invalid or expired quote may result in rejecting your order request
Name | Value | Description |
URL | /v1/price-estimate?businessId={{businessid}} | URL for Price estimation request |
businessId | UUID | Company UUID identificator obtained from Gett in registration process |
origin | object | latitude and longitude of the origin |
stops | array of object | latitude and longitude of the stop(s) |
destination | object | latitude and longitude of the destination |
product_id | UUID | Product UUID identifier obtained from Get Products request |
scheduled_at | string | The schedule time in ISO8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+Z (example: 2017-12-05T18:59:23+03:00). If the parameter is not passed it will default to on-demand |
curl --location --request POST '<companyUUID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"origin": {
"lat": 51.544253,
"lng": -0.103426
"stops": [
"lat": 51.524253,
"lng": -0.043426
"destination": {
"lat": 51.500725,
"lng": -0.050549
"product_id": "df49c6e9-e15d-4e8d-af4c-80bd90d2c7d7",
"scheduled_at": "2021-02-14T15:39:10.07+03:00"
Name | Value | Description |
quote_id | UUID | Unique id for price estimation |
currency | string | Currency symbol of the price |
currency_code | string | Currency code of the price |
price.included_tax | boolean | True - estimated price includes taxes (additional fees are not included) |
price.value | string | Price value |
tech_fee.applicable | boolean | is the fee applicable for the requested estimation |
tech_fee.value | int | fee value, the value already included in price.value |
"quote_id": "9ec37c9e-038e-4971-a107-0bd9d5479618",
"currency": "£",
"currency_code": "GBP",
"price": {
"include_tax": false,
"value": "35-39"
"tech_fee": {
"applicable": false,
"value": 7
Updated almost 3 years ago
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