Booking Requests

Order life Cycle


Booking statuses

PendingThe order is in creation.
ReservedPre-book order has been created, will stay in this state until the driver assignment

Note: Routing status can be skipped.
RoutingOn-demand order has been created and locating a driver
ConfirmedA driver/courier on the way to the origin location
WaitingThe driver/courier has arrived at the origin location and waiting for the passenger/parcel.​
DrivingThe driver/courier has picked up the passenger/ parcel and on their way to the next stop.
CompletedThe order was completed
CancelledThe order has been cancelled, the order can be canceled by:
API request
Driver after some waiting time( the time to cancel can vary by services or suppliers
RejectedThe order has been rejected
On-demand: No driver could perform the order
Pre-book: No fleet reserved the order (order can be rejected a few minutes after the booking or after reservation)
CareReqThe order is been handled by customer care, the condition can be unique for each product/ customer
ActiveOrderSome suppliers can't share driver location and order statuses, they are called non-integrated/ untrackable suppliers, if a ride is performed by such type of supplier, the cycle will be:
1. reserved
2. active order (instead of confirmed/ waiting/ driving )
3. completed/ canceled/ rejected

Gett Business API allows applications to request a Gett ride/ delivery on behalf of a business customer.

You are able to request 2 types of bookings:

  • On-demand - requested in real-time and dispatched immediately to suppliers
  • Pre-book - requested and reserved in the system to be performed in the scheduled time specified in the request, a pre-book can be requested up to 30 days in advance

Both options are requested by the same endpoint, with differences in the POST body provided in the request.

How Gett handles addresses

Gett's address handling is based on the provided data.

We encourage you to provide a full breakdown of the addresses, provider name, and id for the best accuracy in the pickup

Lat, Lngfull addressaddress placeGett Behavior
Scenario_1TrueFalseFalseGett will resolve the address via Google using the coordinates specified in the request
Scenario_2TrueTrueFalseGett will accept the full_address and coordinates as POI, and won't resolve the coordinates
Scenario_3TrueTrueTrueGett will consume the coordinates and request the address breakdown and translation based on place provider and id

Address breakdown

"location": {
                "lat": 51.4585709149735,
                "lng": -0.4453791457396373,
                "address": {
                    "full_address": "Heathrow Terminal 4, Hounslow TW6 3XA, UK",
                    "city": "Hounslow",
                    "house": "",
                    "state": "England",
                    "street": "",
                    "country": "UK",
                    "postcode": "TW6 3XA",
                    "address_place": {
                        "provider": "GOOGLE",
                        "id": "ChIJJV-0krhzdkgRp4xHVJwUCVQ"


Please note

Two or more consecutive addresses on the route can't be identical.


Global rides

To request a global/roaming ride (out of the client's country of origin) providing full address breakdown is mandatory