To better manage your bookings and requests, Gett Business API allows the application to get "Products" availability by API, the order request is subjected to available products and their settings

Transportation - you will find a list of transportation services, e.g. Black taxi, MPV, Executive and more...
Delivery - you will find different delivery options/ types


Products availability

The product's availability is dynamic based on the scheduled time, origin, and destination of the request.

The product's availability is also on the products assigned to the company as part of the agreement in some location, you may receive no available products even that Gett is available in this location because of the assigned products. in this case you will have to contact your account manager to add more products


URL/v1/products?businessId={{businessid}}URL for Get products request
businessId UUIDCompany UUID identificator obtained from Gett in registration process
Authorization ACCESS_TOKENBearer
originobjectlatitude and longitude of the origin
destinationobjectlatitude and longitude of the destination
scheduled_atstringThe schedule time in ISO8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+Z
(example: 2017-12-05T18:59:23+03:00).
If the parameter is not passed it will default to on-demand


Request options

You can request Gett products with all the request params or part of them

Origin coordinates - will return products available in this location for on-demand order, Pre-book only products won't be returned, products that require destinations won't be returned

Origin and destination coordinates - will return products available in this location for on-demand order, Pre-book only products won't be returned

Origin, destination coordinates, and scheduled time - will return all available products according to location and time

curl --location --request POST '<companyUUID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "origin": {
        "lat": 32.1140861,
        "lng": 34.8293653
    "destination": {
        "lat": 32.1140861,
        "lng": 34.8293653
    "scheduled_at": "2021-01-30T15:00:00+02:00"


products List of products (services) List of delivery products
products.transportation list of transportation products
product_id the unique identifier of the product which will be used for requesting the order
name Name of the product
icon Image of the product in Gett platform
description Description of product
eta_secEstimated time of arrival in seconds
[0] info is missing, but service is available
settings Product settings
settings.on_demand True - the product can be requested on-demand
settings.riders Maximum number of riders for this product
Rider - a specified rider owning the ride and has his own pickup and dropoff (some suppliers have no ability to receive details of more than one rider details but do support stops, and other passengers can join the ride with the specified rider)
settings.stopsA maximum number of stop points can be added for this product (specified rider pickup and dropoff are not counted as stops).
e.g if a product supports 3 stops the rider can include origin, 3 stops, and destination (total of 5 points)

regardless of the setting the max number of allowed stops in the system is 20
settings.seatsNumber of seats for this product
the capacity of seats in the car for passengers riding with a specified rider
settings.note_to_driver.allowedTrue if the field "Note to driver" is allowed
settings.note_to_driver.mandatoryTrue if the field "Note to driver" is mandatory
settings.prebook Settings for Pre-book orders
settings.prebook.allowedTrue - the product is available for Pre-booking
settings.prebook.pre_book_in_advance_minThe minimum time to be booked in advance
settings.prebook.edit_future_order_enabledTrue - orders with this product can be updated via API until x time before the "scheduled_at" time

On-demand orders are not editable
settings.prebook.edit_before_scheduled_at_minThe x time before the "scheduled_at" order can still be edited
settings.prebook.mandatory_flight_details_airport_ridesTrue - flight details are mandatory for pre-booked orders if their origin/ destination is an airport


Available products

    "products": {
     "transportation": [
                "product_id": "07ff28c7-5aca-4925-a154-8679a150084d",
                "name": "Gett Express",
                "icon": "",
                "description": "Skoda Octavia, Skoda Fabia, Kia Cee'd",
                "eta_sec": 204,
                "settings": {
                    "on_demand": true,
                    "pre_book": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "pre_book_in_advance_min": 20,
                        "edit_future_order_enabled": true,
                        "edit_before_scheduled_at_min": 20,
                        "mandatory_flight_details_airport_rides": false
                    "riders": 4,
                    "stops": 3,
                    "seats": 4,
                    "note_to_driver": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "mandatory": false
                    "mandatory_destination": true
                "product_id": "8d50ef79-2530-4924-b89e-10ed9f035d8b",
                "name": "Gen10 edu",
                "icon": "",
                "description": "Skoda Octavia, Skoda Fabia, Kia Cee'd",
                "eta_sec": 1800,
                "settings": {
                    "on_demand": true,
                    "pre_book": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "pre_book_in_advance_min": 10,
                        "edit_future_order_enabled": true,
                        "edit_before_scheduled_at_min": 10,
                        "mandatory_flight_details_airport_rides": true
                    "riders": 2,
                    "stops": 19,
                    "seats": 2,
                    "note_to_driver": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "mandatory": false
                    "mandatory_destination": true
        "delivery": [
                "product_id": "86c31386-f596-48ff-9458-c70634414c9b",
                "name": "Small Delivery\t",
                "icon": "",
                "description": "On demand delivery service for parcels up to 5 kg. Pickup in 10 min or less!",
                "eta_sec": 0,
                "settings": {
                    "on_demand": true,
                    "pre_book": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "pre_book_in_advance_min": 20,
                        "edit_future_order_enabled": true,
                        "edit_before_scheduled_at_min": 20,
                        "mandatory_flight_details_airport_rides": false
                    "riders": 2,
                    "stops": 0,
                    "seats": 2,
                    "note_to_driver": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "mandatory": false
                    "mandatory_destination": true
                "product_id": "cef53771-ab20-48d9-a5bd-64d0160eed4d",
                "name": "Large Delivery\t",
                "icon": "",
                "description": "On-demand delivery for large packages up to 15 Kg. Pickup in few minutes!",
                "eta_sec": 0,
                "settings": {
                    "on_demand": true,
                    "pre_book": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "pre_book_in_advance_min": 20,
                        "edit_future_order_enabled": true,
                        "edit_before_scheduled_at_min": 20,
                        "mandatory_flight_details_airport_rides": false
                    "riders": 2,
                    "stops": 0,
                    "seats": 2,
                    "note_to_driver": {
                        "allowed": true,
                        "mandatory": false
                    "mandatory_destination": true

No available products

    "products": {
        "delivery": [],

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