Booking life Cycle

Booking statuses

PendingThe order is in creation.
ReservedPre-book order has been created, will stay in this state until the driver assignment

Note: Routing status can be skipped.
RoutingOn-demand order has been created and locating a driver
ConfirmedA driver/courier on the way to the origin location
WaitingThe driver/courier has arrived at the origin location and waiting for the passenger/parcel.​
DrivingThe driver/courier has picked up the passenger/ parcel and on their way to the next stop.
CompletedThe order was completed
CancelledThe order has been cancelled, the order can be canceled by:
API request
Driver after some waiting time( the time to cancel can vary by services or suppliers
RejectedThe order has been rejected
On-demand: No driver could perform the order
Pre-book: No fleet reserved the order (order can be rejected a few minutes after the booking or after reservation)
CareReqThe order is been handled by customer care, the condition can be unique for each product/ customer
ActiveOrderSome suppliers can't share driver location and order statuses, they are called non-integrated/ untrackable suppliers, if a ride is performed by such type of supplier, the cycle will be:

1. reserved
2. active order (instead of confirmed/ waiting/ driving )
3. completed/ canceled/ rejected

Stop statuses - stops[0].progress_status
In this context a stop point means either origin location, middle stop or destination

PendingStop point was not reached yet
ConfirmedDriver/courier has confirmed passenger/parcel was picked up for the delivery to the current stop point.
WaitingThe driver/courier has confirmed that he/she has picked up the passenger/parcel for delivery to the current stopping point
CompletedDriver/courier delivered the passenger/parcel to the current stop point
CancelledThe stop was cancelled for one of the following reasons:

- driver/courier didn't pick up passenger/parcel that was/were should be delivered to the current stop point
- order was cancelled by Booker/Rider/API/Driver

Passenger / Parcel Action status - stops[0].actions[0].status

Refers to the action performed by the driver/courier at the pick-up or drop-off point.
It may vary depending on the type of stop point action type.

Action typeAction statusDescription
pick_upPassenger/parcel supposed to be picked up on certain Stop Point
pending_pickupDriver/courier has not picked up passenger/parcel yet, but supposed to do
picked_upDriver/courier picked up passenger/parcel (marked in Driver app)
not_picked_upDriver/courier didn't pick up passenger/parcel (marked in Driver app)
drop_offPassenger/parcel supposed to de dropped off on certain Stop Point
pending_drop_offDriver/courier has not dropped off passenger/parcel yet, but supposed to do
dropped_offDriver/courier marked in Driver app as passenger/parcel was dropped off
not_dropped_offDriver/courier marked in Driver app as passenger/parcel was not dropped off (not applicable for delvery orders)
stop_byTransit stop point, no pick_up/drop_off. Valid for taxi rides only
pending_transit_stopDriver/courier has not arrived to transit stop point yet, but supposed to do
skipped_transit_stopDriver/courier has skipped transit stop point (e.g. stop point was deleted by Gett customer support agent)
completed_transit_stopDriver/courier has arrived and completed transit stop point