Delivery sandbox

Before using the real API, please start testing the integration using the sandbox API.
Notice: Each new entity created in sandbox environment, will be deleted within 24 hours

Request a token for the sandbox scope

Implement the Authentication step but pass sandbox as scope.

curl -F 'client_id=[CLIENT_ID]' \
     -F 'client_secret=[CLIENT_SECRET]' \
     -F 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
     -F 'scope=sandbox' \

Send your request to sandbox URL

Replace delivery to delivery_sandbox on every URL that you use.
For example:
Instead of POST /v1/delivery/bundles use POST /v1/delivery_sandbox/bundles

Special requests to test status changes & webhook subscription

More details on webhook subscription you can find here Webhooks

Mock status update (In order to simulate the desired status and/or to receive event "delivery_status_changed"):

POST v1/delivery_sandbox/deliveries/:uuid/status

OAuth 2.0 bearer token with sandbox scope.

Path Parameters:

uuidDescriptionDelivery id received when creating a new delivery

Query Parameters:

business_idstringUnique identifier representing a Business.

Body Parameters:

statusstringOne of: pending, confirmed, waiting, picked_up, driving, at_drop_off , rejected, completed, not_delivered, cancelled

Mock Optimization ended (In order to receive event "routes_optimization_ended"):

POST v1/delivery_sandbox/bundles/:bundle_id/optimization_end

OAuth 2.0 bearer token with sandbox scope.

Path Parameters:

Bundle IDthe ID that was received from the create request
For example: B-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Query Parameters:

business_idstringUnique identifier representing a Business.