Show Delivery With Safe Place Photo

The photo will be provided only if the currier took a photo at the time of delivering the package when the currier left the package by the door or in another agreed safe place.
The indication of the photo's availability can be found under the "verification" object in the response of Show Delivery, Show Bundle, and in Delivery Webhooks Events.

If the "verification" object contains: "safe_place_photo_provided": true , it means the photo is available.

For enabling this option, please contact our account manager.


GET /v1/delivery/deliveries/:delivery_id/safe_place_photo


OAuth 2.0 bearer token with Delivery scope.

Query Paramaters

business_idstringUnique identifier representing a Business.

Path Parameters

delivery_idstringDelivery id received when creating a new delivery

Response body



The value of the key 'photo' is coded by base64 jpeg.
Decode base64 jpeg is needed in order to see the photo.



GET /v1/delivery_sandbox/deliveries/:delivery_id/safe_place_photo?business_id={{company_id}}

More info can be found here

Note: If delivery_id parameter equals '1', a fake delivery payload will be returned